Tuesday 7 August 2012

Bow Begone

When cleaning out the closet, this shirt was one which I considered giving away.  It's an Old Navy top which I bought because it was on sale.  Do you ever do that?  Buy something just because it's cheap?  This was only 1.97 so I think that's why I bought it.
Pink Calico: Bow Blouse

Plus I like the old-looking print; it reminds me of those illustrations that botanists used to do.  I imagine someone working for Kew Gardens going out in the bush and coming back with a journal full of drawings like this.

It also had an interesting button configuration, with little loops.

But everytime I wore it, it felt weird because of the bow.  The bow is a little hard to see so here it is in all its gory detail.

So I decided to try a refashion by getting rid of the bow.  I read that it's a good idea to iron everything before you start.

Then I just lopped off the bow and started sewing - hand sewing because we're shuffling furniture and the sewing machine has been boxed in.

I didn't really know what to do next, so just sewed the two bits together, and got this:

Here's a closeup:

With the leftover bits, I had enough for a not quite long enough tie:

What d'you think?

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