Tuesday, 19 June 2012

To Lop or Not?

Are there some things you would wear if not for looking horribly out-moded?  I am that way with long dresses.  Being a reader of historical and fantasy novels, I like longer hemlines, capes, lace and clothes with details.

I regularly read Refashionista and she recently had a dress that I really liked the "before" version, although the "after" is definitely more her style.  Isn't this a great dress?
source: refashionista.net
Unfortunately, I'm not self-assured enough to wear stuff like that without feeling completely unfashionable or costumey. I have a dress which I've kept for years just because it was floaty and looked like something from another time.

Pink Calico: Floaty Dress

I lopped off the self-ties and the collar (the pic above is post-lop; I just "placed" the collar back on for the picture which is why it's crooked).

and got this:
Pink Calico: Floaty Dress
It still looks a little peasant-goes-to-the-may-fair. I am considering shortening it, but it's difficult to make that first cut. Big J likes it like this so I might try to style it with a belt or something first.

Does it look any different or am I just kidding myself?


  1. Your dress makeover is a huge improvement. I think you could make this feel better with some colourful accents like red shoes or a red scarf... The fit is perfect.

    1. Thanks Melanie! I was thinking something bright or maybe a big belt with some metal bits...

  2. Narda, the dress does look more trim in your post-lop (hysterical) version. It's casual, comfy looking now. I've always liked that type of small floral print. For dress-up occasions you could add a large fabric bloom pin that you designed and made.

    1. Sandi: Yes, much more wearable now (I hope). And w/out the lace it seems less like its for dress-up.

  3. I entirely understand the shortening dilemma. I've let things sit around for months because I was afraid that shortening them would affect the flow of the dress. I like this dress, even without being shortened.

    1. You know Terri I literally hesitated for months before even taking the lace off. Might still shorten it but will try it like this first.
